The RAPD analysis of genetic variability in the granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.) populations
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Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Interdepartmental Laboratory of Molecular Biology Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Department of Entomology Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Corresponding author
Katarzyna Nowaczyk
Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Interdepartmental Laboratory of Molecular Biology Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2008;48(4):429-435
Granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.) belongs to primary stored-product pests and causes extensive economical losses by reducing quantity and quality of the grain and wheat products. The morphological diversity within each of three most common weevil species: S. granarius, S. oryzae and S. zeamais is high. All three species can also feed on different types of grain. The aim of our study was to check the range of molecular diversity between ten populations of S. granarius derived from different sources in Poland, Europe and USA and to compare results with those obtained for some populations of S. oryzae and S. zeamais. For phylogenetic analysis we applied the RAPD technique, which provides DNA markers dispersed throughout the whole genome and are easy to collect and analyse. The phylogenetic analysis of obtained results revealed the high similarity between all populations of granary weevil, European as well as American ones and, simultaneously, considerable diversity between granary weevil and rice and maize weevils.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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