Susceptibility of flours derived from various cereal grains to infestation by the rust-red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in different seasons
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Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. 1069, Borno State, Nigeria
Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. 1069, Borno State, Nigeria
Department of Crop and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Corresponding author
Joy Mbaya Turaki
Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, University of Maiduguri, P.M.B. 1069, Borno State, Nigeria
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007;47(3):279-288
Two flour types (unpolished flour and polished one) and flour textures (grits and fine) of five cereal grains made up of millet, rice, wheat, sorghum and maize were evaluated under laboratory conditions for their susceptibility and progeny development in Tribolium castaneum in hot dry and cool humid seasons. T. castaneum thrived better during the cool humid season than the hot dry season. Polished flour was less susceptible to infestation and supported lower population of the beetles than unpolished flour. Index of susceptibility was 19.65–20.76% in unpolished flour and 18.89–19.76% in polished flour. The number of progeny that developed were 102.6–135.1 and 98.2–121.4 in unpolished and polished flours, respectively. Similarly, grit flour was significantly less susceptible than fine flour in both seasons. Rice, wheat and sorghum flours were less susceptible and supported significantly lower populations of T. castaneum than millet and maize flours in both seasons. Polished wheat flour supported least progeny number than the flour types of the other cereal grains. Conversely, significantly higher number of progeny developed in polished flour of millet and maize and unpolished flour of wheat. Millet fine flour and maize fine or grit flours were significantly more susceptible to infestation than flours of the other cereal grains.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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