Rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Central European apple and pear orchards - comparative studies of species richness, abundance and diversity
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Corvinus University Budapest, Faculty of Horticultural Science Department of Entomology, H-1052 Budapest, Villányi str. 29–43, A/II., Hungary
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania Faculty of Technical and Human Science Department of Horticultural Science, Sighisoara str. 1C. Tg. Mures, Romania
Corresponding author
Adalbert Balog
Corvinus University Budapest, Faculty of Horticultural Science Department of Entomology, H-1052 Budapest, Villányi str. 29–43, A/II., Hungary
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007;47(3):309-320
The dominance, diversity and activity density of rove beetles were studied in Central European apple and pear orchards. Altogether 6 877 individuals, belonging to 271 species and 11 subfamilies were collected. Thirteen species presented a relative abundance from 9 to 2% and amounted to almost 56% of all staphylinids recorded. In dominance order they were: Dinaraea angustula (Gyllenhal), Omalium caesum Gravenhorst, Drusilla canaliculata (F.), Sphenoma abdominale Mannerheim, Palporus nitidulus (F.), Xantholinus linearis (Olivier), Dexiogya corticina (Erichson), Coprochara bipustulata L., Mocyta orbata (Erichson), Oligota pumilio Kiessenwetter, Xanthlinus longiventris (Olivier), Tachyporus hypnorum (F.) and Pycnota vicina (Kraatz). The alpha diversity of staphylinids for different environmental conditions was relatively similar but the Shannon-Weiner Index (H`) was higher than of other similar studies. However, the activity density was higher in pear, in sand and in abandoned plantations; under different environmental conditions this could not be considered uniform in time. After the cumulative studies on the population dynamics, one can conclude that the highest number of species can be found in spring and in summer. Species D. canaliculata and P. nitidulus presented the similar seasonal dynamics in orchards located in different environmental areas, while O. caesum had the same activity density both in apple and pear orchards.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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