Report on emerging foliar soft rot disease on ginseng Panax vietnamensis and the identification of Neocosmospora ipomoeae and Fusarium miscanthi as the causal pathogens
Duong T. Pham 2, B,D
Anh H. Le 2, C
Hang Thuy Dinh 2, A,E-F
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Medicinal Herbal Resources, National Institute of Medicinal Materials, Quang Trung, 1000, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Agricultural Microbiology, VNU Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Xuan Thuy, 1000, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
These authors had equal contribution to this work
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2024-03-15
Acceptance date: 2024-06-18
Online publication date: 2024-07-24
Corresponding author
Hang Thuy Dinh   

Agricultural Microbiology, VNU Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Xuan Thuy, 1000, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
  • • Foliar soft rot disease has been reported for the first time on Panax ginseng
  • • The disease was recorded in all surveyed ginseng farms with an incidence of 2 – 26%
  • • Pathogens causing the disease were Neocosmospora ipomoeae and Fusarium miscanthi
  • • The report raises a concern about measures to control this disease on Panax ginseng
In the spring-summer season of 2022, a disease outbreak occurred in Kon Tum province, the native habitat of Panax vietnamensis var. vietnamensis (Ngoc Linh ginseng), affecting (scattered) a farming area of more than 50,000 ginseng plants. In relation to this a survey was conducted on a total area of 15 ha, covering ginseng farms in Kon Tum and some other main ginseng planting areas in Vietnam. Two main foliar diseases were recorded in the survey: a previously reported anthracnose disease and a new foliar soft rot disease that occurred with a disease incidence of 1 – 30% and 2 – 26%, respectively. The latter was not reported for other Panax ginseng varieties, but only for Panax vietnamensis. Among 79 fungal strains isolated from infected leaves, two strains NL5 and KT2.1.2 were identified as true pathogens causing foliar soft rot disease according to the results of pathogenicity tests (following Koch’s postulates), which confirmed a disease index of 12% for both strains. Based on microscopic morphology and comparative analyses of ITS, TEF1, and BT2 sequences, the two strains were identified as Neocosmospora ipomoeae NL5 and Fusarium miscanthi KT2.1.2. The newly discovered foliar soft rot disease on ginseng Panax vietnamensis and the associated pathogens N. ipomoeae and F. miscanthi reported in this study raised concern about measures that should be taken to control this disease on Panax ginseng.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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