Relationship between some weather factors, Maize streak virus genus Mastrevirus incidence and vector populations in Northern Nigeria
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Department of Crop Protection, Institute for Agricultural Research/ Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu Bello University PMB 1044 Zaria, Nigeria
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Matthew D. Alegbejo
Department of Crop Protection, Institute for Agricultural Research/ Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu Bello University PMB 1044 Zaria, Nigeria
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2005;45(2):99-105
Some aspects of the epidemiology of Maize streak virus (MSV) genus Mastrevirus concerning virus incidence, vector populations and some environmental factors were investigated in field experiments conducted over a three year period (2000–2002) at Samaru, northern Nigeria. Significant positive correlations were obtained between number of leafhoppers caught and MSV incidence and age of plant at infection and also with temperature. Also significant negative correlations were obtained between MSV incidence and mean relative humidity; between number of leafhoppers and age of plants and with mean rainfall. Leafhopper vectors caught included Cicadulina arachidis China, C. mbila Naude, C. triangula Ruppel and C. similis China, in order of abundance. Leafhopper incidence was highest in the months of September and October.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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