RAPD marker analysis of polymorphism among Botrytis tulipae isolates obtained from plantations with different plant protection variants
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Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Agricultural University Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
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Agnieszka Piwoni
Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Agricultural University Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007;47(2):133-146
A total of 15 isolates of B. tulipae collected from home grown tulips without chemical protection and two commercial tulip plantations were examined by RAPD fingerprint analysis. The first tulip plantation was protected by bulb treatment and foliage spraying with fungicides in the growing period and the second plantation – only by the application of fungicides in the growing period. In the previous study, a set of isolates obtained from a plantation with an extensive use of fungicides demonstrated a higher pathogenicity level measured by the inhibition of plant growth, the percentage of bulb and root necrosis in flower pot tests on forced tulips, and by the necrosis size in tests on leaf disks. The relationships between the groups and among isolates were determined by cluster analysis of mean character differences using UPGMA and NJ methods. Similarity index values ranged from 0.872 to 1; on average, the index value was 0.933. A mean similarity of genotypes indicated the highest genotype uniformity of isolates obtained from a plantation with the extensive use of fungicides. 3 groups of clusters, could be observed in the obtained dendrograms. The first cluster contains exclusively genotypes of isolates obtained from a plantation with an extensive use of fungicides, the second one only genotypes of isolates obtained from a plantation protected only by the application of fungicides in the growing period and the third – one genotype of previous group of isolates and four genotypes of isolates obtained from home grown tulips without chemical protection. The most distinct differentiation between the groups of isolates was observed by the amplification using primers G4, H20 and J13. The results of this study revealed genetic similarity between isolates which were obtained from chemically protected plantations and demonstrated a higher degree of pathogenicity in comparison to the isolates which were obtained from unprotected plants and showed a lower degree of pathogenicity
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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