A 3-year field experiment was conducted to study the effect of seed treatment
(Raxil 060 FS and Raxil 060 FS+Latitude 125 FS) and plowing down stubble
crop (white mustard) on wheat infestation by root and stem base diseases. Wheat was growninthe same field for two consecutive years with two tillage systems: conventional and no-tillage. The occurrence of root and stem base diseases was significantly reduced due to additional seed treatment with Latitude 125 FS (siltiofam). This suggested the presence of Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx et Olivier in disease complex. The occurrence of infection was reduced to a lesser extent by soil tillage and plowing down stubble crop. These additional agronomic practices resulted in significant grain yield increase of wheat, on the average 13.8% after seed treatment with Raxil 060 FS + Latitude 125 FS, and 8.3% after plowing
down white mustard. Grain yield and thousand grain weight of winter wheat were strongly negatively correlated with a degree of stem infestation, but they were not significantly dependent on root infestation. This indicated on a significant role of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides [Fron.] Deighton in pathogenesis. Effectiveness of both regenerative practices was slightly lower under no-tillage than under conventional tillage treatment with plough.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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