Peer review process
After manuscript submission pre-evaluation takes place by a Scientific Board expert. Based on the novelty of the study, subject, methods and obtained results, the Editor-in-Chief decides whether to reject the manuscript or to accept it for further processing. Upon acceptance, the manuscript undergoes the peer review process which is based on Double Blind Reviews i.e. the reviewers (usually 2) and the author are anonymous to each other. The reviewers are asked to submit a review and fill out the ‘referee evaluation sheet’ in the JPPR Editorial System within 3 weeks. Next, the manuscript is revised by the authors (3 weeks). After positive second reviews made by previous reviewers or the editor, the paper is directed to language and editorial corrections (if required). The final decision about publishing the paper in the Journal belongs to the Editor-in-Chief.
Manuscripts that do not strictly follow the instructions will be declined at the submission stage. A Scientific Board evaluates articles before sending them for in-depth review. About 70% of submitted articles are declined at this stage, notably because instructions are not applied strictly.