Monitoring methods and prognosis of Opomyza florum Fabr. (Diptera: Opomyzidae) - a pest of wheat in Bulgaria
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Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection “Nikola Pushkarov“ 35 Panajot Volov str. 2230 Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Submission date: 2012-03-21
Acceptance date: 2012-10-12
Corresponding author
Hristina Krusteva
Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection “Nikola Pushkarov“ 35 Panajot Volov str. 2230 Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2012;52(4):472-478
The effect of sowing dates on the abundance of Opomyza florum , and the effect of sowing dates on the degree of larvae damage on winter wheat during the 2003–2008 time period was evaluated. The population density of O. florum adults and the dam- age larvae caused, were higher in the wheat fields sown in the last decade of September and the first half of October. Fields sown during the first decade of November were not infested by O. florum . A significant correlation between the mean temperature during the flight period and the maximum density of O . florum flies within each sowing (r = 0.94; p = 0.016) was established. The percentage of damaged shoots strongly corresponded to the maximum abundance of flies (r = 0.96; p = 0.01). The corresponding figures can be used for prognostic purposes. An adult observation accuracy below 25% was achieved by the sweep net method using 10 samples of 30 sweeps in the beginning of migration and 10 samples of 20 sweeps during the period of the O. florum mass flight. No marginal effect of adults was observed.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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