Moderate resistance to tomato leaf curl virus among commercial tomato cultivars in northern Nigeria
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Ahmadu Bello University Institute for Agricultural Research Department of Crop Protection P.M.B. 1044 Zaria, Nigeria
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Mathew Alegbejo
Ahmadu Bello University Institute for Agricultural Research Department of Crop Protection P.M.B. 1044 Zaria, Nigeria
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2006;46(3):207-213
Sixteen tomato cultivars obtained from the collections of the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) Samaru, Nigeria were screened for resistance to local strains of Tomato leaf curl virus at Samaru, Northern Guinea Savanna, over a two year period, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 dry seasons. Five cultivars were moderately resistant, nine were moderately susceptible, while two were highly susceptible. Most of the cultivars were high yielding (46–55 t/ha) and had good fruit size (4.8–6.0 cm x 2.8–4.1 cm). They will be further evaluated on-farm at different locations after which they will be introduced to farmers to replace the low yielding and TLCV-susceptible cultivars currently in use in most parts of the Savanna ecological zones of the country.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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