Light spectrum affects growth, metabolite profile, and resistance against fungal phytopathogens of Solanum lycopersicum L. seedlings
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Laboratory of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department of Organic Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Poznań, Poland
Department of Biology and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2024-01-17
Acceptance date: 2024-02-05
Online publication date: 2024-05-06
Corresponding author
Alicja Tymoszuk
Laboratory of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2024;64(2):115-126
- Light spectra differing in red/blue light ratio affect development of tomato seedlings.
- The shoot and root growth is mostly stimulated by red light.
- Red light stimulate also accumulation of secondary metabolites.
- Light spectrum moderate resistance of tomato against A. alternata, A. solani and B. cinerea.
- Growers can optimize light spectra to enhance disease resistance and quality of tomato.
Tomato is a widely cultivated and economically important crop worldwide. This study
aimed to test the effect of light spectra used in indoor cultivation on the growth, biochemical
profile, and resistance of Solanum lycopersicum ‘Bawole Serce’ seedlings against Alternaria
alternata, Alternaria solani and Botrytis cinerea. During the phase of first leaf
emergence, the seedlings were transferred to a semi-sterile growth room with a controlled
environment (20°C, 18-h photoperiod, 50 μmol · m−2 · s−1 PPFD, 65% RH) for a 3-week
cultivation period. Five light treatments differing in red/blue (R/B) light ratio were tested:
I (LED tube; R/B 5.55), II (fluorescent tube; R/B 0.72), III (fluorescent tube; R/B 1.19),
IV (LED panel; R/B 0.51), V (LED panel; R/B 0.20). The best parameters in terms of shoot
length, shoot fresh and dry weights, and number of leaves were obtained in treatment I, in
contrast to IV and V. Plants from treatments IV and V had the smallest leaf area, perimeter,
vertical length, and horizontal width. As for the root system, the highest fresh weight, area,
length of the longest root, total length, and the number of root tips and forks were found
in treatments I and II. The least developed root systems were observed in IV and V. The
greatest chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins accumulation was enhanced by treatment
II. Treatments I−III stimulated the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds. The highest
superoxide dismutase activity was detected in plants from treatments I and II. As for
A. alternata and A. solani, the level of disease symptoms was significantly higher for treatments
IV and V than for I-III. The highest/lowest level of B. cinerea infection was found
in treatments II/I, respectively. The least susceptible to infection by all tested pathogens
were leaves from treatment I. Light spectrum composition is of practical importance for
tomato seedling production.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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