Instructions for Reviewers


As a peer-review journal, we perform quality control for submitted manuscripts by a refereeing process. Without the knowledge of specialists, we could not fulfil our mission.

We are very grateful to our Reviewers for their effort and time spent on evaluating manuscripts for Journal of Plant Protection Research.


This Journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.


First, an invitation is sent to a reviewer that should be accepted within 7 days. When the invitation is accepted, within 21 days the reviewer should prepare and submit the review to the JPPR Editorial System. If a referee requires more time to prepare a reliable review, the editorial office should be notified immediately. The remaining e-mails are sent to a reviewer 5 days and one day before the final deadline.
While preparing the reports, we ask our Referees to:
  • comment on the originality of the presented work, how it discusses the most recent literature on a topic,
  • evaluate the author’s(s') approach to the problem under discussion,
  • evaluate the reliability of the obtained results and the accuracy of the conclusions drawn,
  • comment on artistic and technical aspects of the paper,
  • give a final evaluation of the paper, inform us whether we should consider it further and what should be done in order to make it publishable (if possible),
  • give us an idea of the possible impact the paper might have.

Please note that accepted papers will undergo language editing by native English speakers.

Incorrect grammar, style or punctuation should not be the reason to reject a paper if its content warrants the publication from a scientific point of view and is readable for the Reviewer.


Please, do not distribute copies of the manuscript or use results contained in it without permission from the author(s). However, please feel free to show it to knowledgeable colleagues and to consult them about the review. Suggestions for alternative referees are helpful to the editors and would be appreciated.


Research Papers

manuscripts submitted to JPPR should:
  1. Contain original work - which is not published elsewhere in any medium by the authors(s) or anyone else, and is not under consideration for publication in any other medium.
  2. Be focused on the core aims and scope of the journal - as scientific journals, we publish research results from all fields of plant protection.
  3. Be clearly and correctly written - should contain all essential features of a complete scientific paper, should be written in a clear, easy to understand manner, and be readable for a wide audience of researchers in the field.

Rapid Communications

should meet the key standards listed above and additionally should report high quality new work of such importance that merits urgent publication, and should likely have a significant impact on the current research in the relevant area.
If however, a contribution is not justified to be handled via a rapid channel it may be considered as a research paper, probably after expansion or revision.

Review Articles

should contain the most significant results of the subject under review. All reviews for JPPR should be accurate scientifically, should describe the most relevant and recent contributions. The subject matter should be discussed competently the choice of citations should be adequate and should not overlook important contributions of other workers.

The reviewer should realize that when the manuscript has been corrected by the authors it will be sent back to them for revision (several revisions are possible). In such a case the reviewer is asked to submit comments concerning publication of the article within 21 days through the JPPR Editorial System.

If you would like to become a Reviewer for the Journal of Plant Protection Research, please contact our office and send us your CV with a list of papers published in journals from JCR list only. We would be grateful for your cooperation.
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