Insects in sorghum and comparative studies on the population dynamics of some main species
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Department Selection and Technology, Institute of Forage Crops, General Vladimir Vazov, Pleven, Bulgaria
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2024-04-03
Acceptance date: 2024-08-05
Online publication date: 2025-03-05
Corresponding author
Ivelina Nikolova   

Department Selection and Technology, Institute of Forage Crops, General Vladimir Vazov, Pleven, Bulgaria
  • composition and population of species in sorghum
  • temperature impact on the population growth rates
  • Aphids and cicadas one of the most important pests of sorghum in Bulgaria
At the current level of applied entomology, comprehensive research on the species composition and population dynamics of the insect community in crops is of the utmost importance. Comprehensive studies on sorghum agroecosystems in Bulgaria have been scarce and have necessitated, necessitating a need for new and up-to-date developments. The study investigated the species composition and population dynamics of the main insect species in Bulgaria’s sorghum. Insect diversity was represented by 51 insect species belonging to 17 families and 46 genera. Harmful species made up 70.6% of the total population density of insect representatives, while beneficial (predators) – 29.4%. The insect composition included two aphid species, 17 species of cicadas, 11 species of bugs, 17 species of beetles, and four thrips species. Aphids and cicadas were some of the most important insect pests of sorghums in Bulgaria. Temperature changes affected the life characteristics of insects and ultimately determined population growth rates. Various factors like global warming, changing cropping patterns, and adoption of technologies alter insect abundance, distribution, and pest-associated losses. Work, related to the survey and surveillance of sorghum insect pests should be regularly conducted to gain proper knowledge of changing trends of insect pests, associated losses, and timely management.
This work was supported by the Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria under the Project of Agricultural Academy “Ecological and technological aspects in forage crops”.
Paweł Sienkiewicz
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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