Impact of Trichoderma isolates on the mycelium development of wild strains of Coprinus comatus (Müll.) s.f. Gray
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Poznań University of Life Sciences, Dąbrowskiego 159, 60-594 Poznań, Poland Department of Phytopathology
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Dąbrowskiego 159, 60-594 Poznań, Poland Department of Vegetable Crops
Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Science, Strzeszyńska 34, 60-479 Poznań, Poland
Corresponding author
Krzysztof Sobieralski
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Dąbrowskiego 159, 60-594 Poznań, Poland Department of Vegetable Crops
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2011;51(2):162-165
The impact of different isolates of three species of the Trichoderma genus on the development of wild strains of Coprinus comatus mycelium was investigated. Nine strains of C. comatus obtained from natural sites and one cultivated strain were used in the trail. The following Trichoderma isolates were used: T. aggressivum f. europaeum, T. longibrachiatum and T. atroviride . It was found that isolates of T. aggressivum f. europaeum reduced the development of the C. comatus mycelium to a much greater degree than isolates of T. longibrachiatum and T. atroviride .
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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