Human health risk assessment of pesticide residues in fruit, vegetable and cereal samples from Poland – a 5-year survey
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Laboratory of Food and Feed Safety, Institute of Plant Protection – NRI, Bialystok, Poland
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2022-10-07
Acceptance date: 2022-10-26
Online publication date: 2022-12-15
Corresponding author
Magdalena Jankowska
Laboratory of Food and Feed Safety, Institute of Plant Protection – NRI, Bialystok, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2022;62(4):385-392
- Samples exceeding MRLs were chosen from 5-year pesticide residue monitoring.
- EFSA PRIMo model was used to assess acute intakes of adults and children.
- HQ proved that consumption of fruit and vegetables pose no adverse effects.
- Non-authorised chlorpyrifos was the most frequently detected pesticide.
- A worst-case scenario ensured safety margin for the human health.
Human health risk assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities is a key
element of food safety strategy. The present study focused on potential risks resulting from
selected fruit, vegetable and cereal samples with pesticide residues exceeding maximum
residue levels (MRLs) from a 5-year survey of official control in Poland (2017–2021).
A novel, common tool, the EFSA Pesticide Residue Intake Model PRIMo was used for
short-term exposure calculation with embedded consumption data from EU Member
States. The challenge of the research was to determine whether the International Estimated
Short Time Intakes (IESTI) of toxic pesticides in the diet are acceptable or not. For the first
time with long-term investigation which involved many legislative changes, we prepared
a picture of the most dangerous pesticides present in fruits, vegetables and cereals for the
most critical sub-populations of adults and children. We examined whether these substanc-
es have the potential to cause harm to humans. From the full spectrum of 545 analyzed pes-
ticides, we considered 13 pesticides above safety limits in the concentration range of 0.03 to
2.5 mg · kg–1
. The most frequently detected compound was the non-authorized, organo-
phospate insecticide chlorpyrifos, which poses toxicological risks to humans. The results of
acute exposure were up to 93% ARfD for adults and up to 130% for children. The Hazard
Quotient (HQ) showed that consumption of agricultural plants with potential risk can be
safe for adults and children, with some exceptions. Samples containing flonicamid/Brussel
sprouts (HQ = 1.3) and chlorpyrifos/rucola (HQ = 1.1) could have negative health effects
on humans. However, an approach which overestimates the exposure due to a worst-case
scenario ensures the widest possible safety margin for the consumers.
The authors are
thankful to the team of Laboratory of Food Safety in
Bialystok, Poland.
This research material was a part of the Multiannual
Program titled “Protection of crops with regard to
food safety and reduction of yield losses and threats
to human health, domestic animals and the environ-
ment” financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Ru-
ral Development, Poland, 2017–2021.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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