Herbicidal efficacy of some natural products and mulching compared to herbicides for weed control in onion fields
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Botany Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2019-04-09
Acceptance date: 2019-06-03
Online publication date: 2020-01-08
Corresponding author
Ibrahim El-Metwally   

Botany Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2019;59(4):479-486
of 10, 15 and 20%, acetic acid at the rate of 20, 30 and 40%, oxadiargyl, oxyflurfen, rice straw mulch, hand hoeing and an unweeded check control treatment) on weed growth and onion productivity in sandy soils at the Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Research Centre, Egypt was studied. The results indicated that all weeded treatments reduced the dry weight of broadleaf, grassy and total weeds as compared with the weedy check. Oxadiargyl, followed by two hand hoeing, rice straw mulch and acetic acid 40% recorded the greatest weed control efficiency. Insignificant differences were noticed between these treatments. Applying rice straw mulch increased bulb length, bulb diameter, bulb weight and onion yield by 67.52, 57.55, 45.74 and 66.22% over the weedy check, respectively. The highest values of N, P and K were obtained from rice straw mulch treatment followed by hand hoeing, oxadiargyl and acetic acid 40% treatments. It may be concluded that farmers can certainly depend on mulching or acetic acid at 40% instead of using chemical herbicides especially in organic farm systems for controlling onion weeds.
This work was supported and funded by the National Research Centre through the project entitled: Some strategies for improving weed control efficacy in some export crops. Project No. (11040202), during in-house projects strategy 2016–2019.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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