Fusarium head blight (FHB) and Fusarium populations in grain of winter wheat grown in different cultivation systems
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University of Technology and Life Sciences, Department of Molecular Pathology, Ks. A. Kordeckiego 20, 85-225 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Submission date: 2014-09-26
Acceptance date: 2015-02-18
Corresponding author
Leszek Lenc
University of Technology and Life Sciences, Department of Molecular Pathology, Ks. A. Kordeckiego 20, 85-225 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2015;55(1):94-109
Fusarium head blight (FHB) incidence, and colonisation of grain by Fusarium species on winter wheat grown in organic, integrated, and conventional systems as well as in monoculture, were studied locally in Poland, from 2002 to 2010. Fusarium head blight incidence differed throughout the study years. It was found to occur the most where rainfall was highest and where rainfall was the most prolonged before, during, and after flowering of wheat. Fusarium head blight incidence was generally less on wheat grown organically than on wheat grown in other systems. In some years, FHB was noted more in monocultures than in other systems. Fusarium poae was the most common species of FHB populations in wheat kernels, followed by F. avenaceum and F. tricinctum. Other species which occurred more rarely or sporadically were: F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. graminearum, F. langsethiae, F. oxysporum, and F. sporotrichioides. There were found to be significant effects of the cropping system on grain colonisation by Fusarium in some years. There was a positive correlation between FHB incidence and number of kernels colonised and damaged by Fusarium, in all four systems. Inferences were drawn concerning the effects of different procedures in different production systems and the possible value for controlling FHB.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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