Effects of inoculation with mycorrhizae and the benefits of bacteria on physicochemical and microbiological properties of soil, growth, productivity and quality of table grapes grown under Mediterranean climate conditions
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Biology and Geology, Plolydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University Mohammed Fisrt, Selonane, Morocco
Environment, National School of Applied Sciences, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Al Hoceima, Morocco
Bioinformatics, National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Rabat, Morocco
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2021-05-16
Acceptance date: 2021-06-16
Online publication date: 2021-11-16
Corresponding author
Kamal Aberkani
1Biology and Geology, Plolydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University Mohammed Fisrt, P.O. Box 300, 62700, Selouane, Morocco
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2021;61(4):337-346
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers, in agriculture, has negative impacts on water, soil and
affects the environment and health. In recent decades, researchers have been interested
in the natural benefits of natural microorganisms and how they could be a good alternative
to the use of chemical fertilizers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of
soil inoculation with strains of mycorrhizae and beneficial bacteria on soil properties and
productivity of table grapes. Field trials were conducted on a commercial table grape production
farm (Vitis vinifiera cv. Mousca), located in northeastern Morocco. Twelve-yearold
plants were used. Control plants were not inoculated (T1). The prototype plants were
inoculated with 1.2 × 104 of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum/100 g (T2), a mixture of
1/2 concentration of Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum and 1/2 concentration of Pseudomonas
putida (T3) and 1 × 108 CFU ∙ g–1 of Pseudomonas putida (T4). The inoculations
were realized twice; the first inoculation was completed on July 19, 2019 while the second
inoculation on February 21, 2020. Soil analyses were carried out, both physicochemical
(pH, electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, % of dry matter) and microbiological properties
(total flora, fungi and actinobacteria). Plant growth (length of the plant, number and
diameter of sticks, number of clusters per tree, number of nodes per stick, distance between
nodes and bud burst), yield and fruit quality (number of berries per cluster, cluster weight,
cluster length and width, pH, Brix degrees, acidity, EC and % dry matter) were measured.
Results showed slight trends regarding the effects of treatments on the physicochemical
and microbiological properties of the soil, plant growth and fruit quality. The number of
clusters was significantly higher in Glomus (T2) Pseudomonas (T4) and Glomus than in
control treatments.
The authors would like to thank the University First Mohammed for funding this project named "Applied Research Support Program (PARA-1)". They also wish to pay tribute to Mr. Aberkani Ahmed, who passed away on April 25, 2020. He provided his farm and trial plots of table grapes; in order to carry out these research experiments.
The manuscript was suported by the University First Mohammed project named "Applied Research Support Program (PARA-1)"
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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