Effectiveness of chemical protection against weeds applied to poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)
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Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Research Division in Poznań, Strzeszyńska 36, 60-479 Poznań, Poland
Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute, Poznań, Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Corresponding author
Marek Wójtowicz
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Research Division in Poznań, Strzeszyńska 36, 60-479 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2009;49(2):209-215
The aim of the presented studies was to determine the effect of chemical weed control on the development and yield of native poppy cultivars. The results of presented experiment showed that the native poppy cultivars are more susceptible to herbicides than ‘Opal’ and ‘Lazur’ cultivars. The yield of ‘Michałko’ cultivar in all treatments of chemical protection was very low. It was proved that the suggestion of a necessary protection of ‘Mieszko’ cultivar against weeds with lower doses of herbicides than the doses applied in the cultures of cultivars with a high content of morphine is justified. ‘Mieszko’ cultivar gave the highest yield on plots protected after sowing with Lentipur Flo™ 500 SC (a.s. chlorotoluron) in the dose of 1.2 l/ha and in the growth stage of 4 leaves, when the treatment was carried out with Callisto™ 100 SC (a.s. mesotrione) in the dose of 0.4 l/ha. Positive results of weed control after the application of these herbicides indicate the possibility to initiate studies aiming at authorization to use these herbicides in growing of the native cultivars of poppy (minor crop).
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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