• Barnyardgrass and prickly sida reduce cotton yield in Eastern Mississippi
  • The 04 flow-rate nozzles increased barnyardgrass control compared to the 02 nozzles
  • Effect on cotton yield was not significant with respect to nozzle type
  • A two-pass POST program gave the highest barnyardgrass and prickly sida control
  • One nozzle type for optimal control of all weeds is not a one-size-fits-all answer
Nozzle type and herbicide application timing can affect herbicide efficacy. Prickly sida (Sida spinosa) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) are problematic weeds in eastern Mississippi cotton production and have reduced yield in recent years. Field studies were conducted at two locations – Brooksville, MS (2018, 2019) and Starkville, MS (2019) to understand the nozzle type and herbicide application timing effects on prickly sida and barnyardgrass control in cotton. Studies also compared applications made by an eight-nozzle tractor-mounted sprayer with a four-nozzle backpack sprayer. Herbicide applications were made at four timings: preemergence (PRE), early-postemergence (EPOST), mid-postemergence (MPOST), and late-postemergence (LPOST) corresponding to the preemergence (immediately after planting), two-to-three leaf, four-to-six leaf, and early-bloom stages, respectively. Treatments were made at 140 l · ha−1 applied at each growth stage, with nozzle type and sprayer as variables by each timing. Results showed no differences in treatments applied with backpack and tractor-mounted sprayers. Control of barnyardgrass was significantly affected by nozzle type, but control of prickly sida was not significantly influenced by nozzle type. In all three site-years, plots receiving a MPOST only herbicide application resulted in less weed control than areas receiving a two-pass POST herbicide program. Cotton yield was significantly affected by the herbicide program at one site-year, but was not significantly affected by the herbicide program except where cotton injury exceeded 15%. A two- or three-pass herbicide program was most effective in controlling prickly sida and barnyardgrass in Mississippi cotton.
The authors acknowledge the funding of this project from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Hatch Project (MIS-522070).
Przemysław Kardasz
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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