Developing a comprehensive Drift Reduction Technology risk assessment scheme
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Lincoln University, P.O. Box 85084, Christchurch 7640, New Zealand
Lincoln Agritech, P.O. Box 69133, Christchurch 7640, New Zealand
Kamterter Products LLC, 9930 N 134th Street, Waverly, NE USA 68462
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, North Platte, 402 W. State Farm Road, North Platte, NE USA 69101
Submission date: 2013-09-23
Acceptance date: 2014-01-30
Corresponding author
Jason Connor Ferguson
Lincoln University, P.O. Box 85084, Christchurch 7640, New Zealand
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2014;54(1):85-89
Drift Reduction Technologies (DRTs) are becoming increasingly important for improving spray applications in many countries including New Zealand (NZ). Although there is a growing database on the performance of DRTs, there is no rating system showing the effectiveness of the DRT’s performance. In Europe, DRTs are classified relative to current reference technologies as part of the rating systems used to establish spray drift risk reduction. We have recommended some key elements of such a comprehensive exposure risk reduction scheme for any country, based on prior and on-going research into the performance of specific DRTs in row, tree, and vine crops. Our intention was to create a rating system to determine the effectiveness of a given technology. This rating system would improve spray application practices and environmental stewardship for a wide range of crops and application scenarios.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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