Conventional or integrated protection of winter wheat against fungal diseases and pests
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Institute of Plant Protection Miczurina 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
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Cecylia Jańczak
Institute of Plant Protection Miczurina 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2004;44(3):199-219
Research performed in the years 1999–2002 was carried out in Great Poland region on varieties of winter wheat Elena and Tercja. Experiments included three programmes of wheat cultivation: 1 – Conventional winter wheat protection based on recommendations for commercial fields; 2 – Integrated pest management programme where the control of diseases and insect pests was carried out on the background of thresholds of harmfulness/noxiousness, and weather forecasts; 3 – Untreated, without protection against diseases and pests. Two levels of nitrogen fertilization were applied in the experiments (120 kg N/ha and 170 kg N/ha) and the newest plant protection products were used for controlling fungal pathogens and noxious insects. The occurrence of diseases and insect pests, as well as beneficial entomofauna was determined in relation to each experimental variant, and occurring changes were analysed. Effectiveness of disease and pest control were calculated. Grain yield and its quality were determined and economical profitability for both conventional and integrated programmes calculated. It was shown that a high profitability can be obtained through the application of integrated pest management, as a result of correct choice and application of plant protection products, as well as proper choice of wheat cultivars and appropriate nitrogen fertilization.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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