Assessment of the tank mixture of mesotrione and pethoxamid plus terbuthylazine efficacy for weed control in maize (Zea mays L.)
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Agricultural University of Poznań Soil and Plant Cultivation Department
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Grzegorz A. Skrzypczak
Agricultural University of Poznań Soil and Plant Cultivation Department Mazowiecka 45/46, 60-623 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007;47(4):373-381
The evaluation of effect of the grass and broadleaf weed control of different mixture rates of mesotrione plus pethoxamid and terbuthylazine applied postemergence in maize was conducted in the field experiments during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. There was no phytotoxicity observed on maize after herbicide treatments. Herbicide mixture provided higher levels of Echinochloa crus-galii (L.) Beauv. control than mesotrione used alone. In the postemergence trials, the broadleaf weeds, except Chenopodium album L., were not well controlled by the mesotrione-alone treatment. The addition of pethoxamid plus terbuthylazine to mesotrione significantly improved the control of broadleaf weeds. Mesotrione and mesotrione plus pethoxamid and terbuthylazine treated plots were always among the highest yielding as compared to untreated plots. Any reductions in cob and grain yield were always associated with high weed fresh matter yields indicating that it was the weed competition that led to reduced yield and not herbicide phytotoxicity
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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