Appraisal of wheat germplasm for adult plant resistance against stripe rust
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Plant Protection Division, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), 38000 Faisalabad, Pakistan
Plant Breeding and Genetics Division, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), 38000 Faisalabad, Pakistan
Submission date: 2015-06-15
Acceptance date: 2015-11-04
Corresponding author
Kamran Saleem
Plant Protection Division, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), 38000 Faisalabad, Pakistan
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2015;55(4):405-414
The resurgence of wheat stripe rust is of great concern for world food security. Owing to resistance breakdown and the appear - ance of new virulent high-temperature adapted races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), many high yielding commercial varieties in the country lost their yield potential. Searching for new sources of resistance is the best approach to mitigate the problem. Quantitative resistance (partial or adult plant) or durable resistance is reported to be more stable than race specific resistance. In the current perusal, a repertoire of 57 promising wheat lines along with the KLcheck line Morocco, developed through hybridisation and selection of local and international lines with International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) origin, were evaluated under natural field condi- tions at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) during the 2012−2013 and 2013−2014 time periods. Final rust severity (FRS), the area under the rust progress curve (AURPC), the relative area under the rust progress curve (rAURPC), and the coefficient of infection (CI) were unraveled to infer the level of quantitative resistance. Final rust severity was recorded when the susceptible check exhibited 100% severity. There were 21 lines which were immune (no disease), 16 which were resistant, five moderately resistant, two resistant-to-mod- erately resistant, one moderately resistant-to-moderately susceptible, 5 moderately susceptible-to-susceptible, one moderately suscepti- ble, and six exhibited a susceptible response. Nevertheless, 51 lines exhibited a high level of partial resistance while the three lines, NW-5- -1212-1, NW-7-30-1, and NW-7-5 all showed a moderate level of partial resistance based on FRS, while 54 lines, on the basis of AURPC and rAURPC, were identified as conferring a high level of partial resistance. Moreover, adult plant resistance was conferred by 47 wheat lines, based on CI value. It was striking that, 13 immune lines among 21 were derived from parents of CIMMYT origin. Cluster analysis was executed to determine the diversity among the wheat genotypes based on stripe rust resistance and yield parameters. All genotypes were grouped into nine clusters exhibiting a high level of diversity at a 25% linkage distance. There were 29 wheat lines resistant to stripe rust that were grouped into the first three clusters, while 4 high-yielding lines were in Cluster VIII. The susceptible check, Morocco, was separated from rest of lines and fell in the last cluster i.e. Cluster IX. Based on the results, inter-crossing immune/ resistant lines is recommended, and with high yielding lines − it is also recommended that cultivars with improved disease resistance and yield potential be developed.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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