Application of spectral measurements to the assessment of potato plants infection by Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato late blight
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Institute of Plant Protection, Miczurina 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Plant Breeding and Acclimatisation Institute, Research Division Poznań Strzeszyńska 36, 60-479 Poznań, Poland
Corresponding author
Andrzej Wójtowicz
Institute of Plant Protection, Miczurina 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2006;46(1):85-95
Measurements of spectral reflectance from potato plants were carried out in the years 2000 and 2001 using the field radiometer CE 313 of Cimel Electronique Company. Field experiments permitted to perceive differences in the reflectance of electromagnetic radiation from potato plant cultivars Bekas and Mila as well as differences between the plants treated with fungicides providing the protection against Phytophthora infestans and the untreated plants. A differentiation of the values of vegetative indices between potato cultivars resulted from the unequal development rate of the cultivars and from their different susceptibility to Phytophthora infestans. The assessment of potato plants infection by the studied pathogen using spectral measurements agreed with the results of field inspection
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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