• Allelopathic activities of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. parts in an extensive variety of monocots and dicots plant species
  • Invasive Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. has a significant impact in soil physics, chemical, and biological properties
  • Invasive Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. has potent Allelopathic activities in its fruits mucilage as compared with other parts
  • Dose Response Relationship generates biological information about the invading impacts of invasive Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav which is diverse across extracts types, concentrations, and the target species
  • Phenolic composition of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by LC-MS
Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. is known to be one of the most invasive species worldwide. In this study, laboratory and greenhouse experiments were carried out to investigate the allelopathic properties of S. elaeagnifolium vegetative parts, root parts, fruit mucilage, and exudate extracts on plant communities and soil properties. In addition, the extract profiles of allelochemicals were quantified and their influence on soil properties and microorganisms was determined. Overall, the allelopathic performance of S. elaeagnifolium was established depending on the extract types, used concentrations, and target species. The doseresponse activity indicated that vegetative parts extract showed the greatest allelopathic potential followed by root parts extract. Subsequently, mucilage extract had a moderate inhibitory potential, while root exudates showed the least activity. The same trend with slight response was detected in soil properties of pH and EC properties. Polyphenols, in the range of 5.70–0.211 mg · g–1 and flavonols, in the range of 2.392–0.00 mg · g–1, were found in the analyzed samples extracted by ethyl acetate using LC-DAD-MS. The total phenol amount was 1.67 to 1.89 in the rhizosphere and 0.53 to 087 mg · g–1 in non-rhizosphere soils. Solanum elaeagnifolium exhibited a greater significant suppression of fungi count in both high and low-density areas than in rhizosphere bacteria. In conclusion, the strong and broadspectrum allelopathic potentials may enhance the ability of S. elaeagnifolium to impact seed germination and seedling growth of neighboring species. These biochemical weapons may play a critical role to facilitate their invasion and establishment in new agroecosystems.
This research was funded by the Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF) of Egypt, Grant No. 34767.
Łukasz Sobiech
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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